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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Norval October 22th 2009

Over the course of three hours my team and I had two activities that made us work more as a team. One of them was very hard, but when we worked together it became easy. Our team had to start on a block of wood, and walk across wires and try to get to another block of wood. It was at first, very hard, but soon we started to help each other and we did the entire activity very easily. When we started, people only cared about getting to there spots, and pushed people out of the way to get there. I guess our leader realized this and started to change the rules. When we realized that we could be voted off of the team, we started to help other people. By the end of the activity people had spent most of the time just helping other people! This was a great experience to see how well we could work if we just tryed more as a team.

I think one big problem our team had at first was that we didn't really comunicate a lot. Some people tryed to take total control, and some people didn't like that. We soon had to each give ideas and brain stormed together. We got a plan that wold help everyone.
"if you help liam get there, then when your finished I can help you, then Chloe can help me get to my spot and on the way help Kate..."
In the end we got a very detailed plan and it worked great. I think that if we didn't start communicating we would probably still be there now.

Norval was definitely a great learning expirience. I would definatly do it again. When we did the drums it was so fun, and the activities made me work so well with my partners. If I didn't go I would not be able to work in partners as well as I do now. I think that everyone had a good time at norval. I know that I did.

By: Andy Takhar 7B

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Do clothes make the man?

October 12th

Do clothes make the man? That's an idiom that means people judge you by the way you dress and not by your personality, I'm going to explain to you how clothing shapes who you are, and how it doesn't.

Most people pick out their own clothes. You don't have people following you around telling you what to wear, you decide. So clothing doesn't shape who you are at all, infact you shape what your clothing is.

People judge other people by their clothing choice. People say they don't but everyone does, it's human nature. So maybe one day your parents buy you a few outfits, and they expect you wear them the next few days at school. You don't want to, but you do to make them happy. People at your school or at the mall or even on your street, will look at your clothes and judge you. Some people might hate the outfit and not hang out with you, but some people my love your outfit and hang out with you. So if you wear types of clothes that make really energetic people hang out with you then you will be influenced by those people to act energetic. Even though before you wore those clothes you weren't very energentic.

Maybe if you wear a suit rather than some ripped jeans and an old t-shirt you will get a better job, changing wear you live, how you eat, what you do in your spare time, and how much money you have. Clothes can actually change everything about you!

People also do want to always have the latest trends, maybe wearing a new pear of skinny jeans from American Eagle and a brand new top from Abercrombie matched with a hoodie from H&M make you feel really good and self confident, letting you be brave and maybe talk to your teacher about your grades, or ask the girl you like out, or eat that last french fry! Well now I'm getting off topic but honestly, you know I'm right.

So what I'm trying to say is that clothes don't shape who you are but people do, and people judge if they want to hang out with you by the clothing you wear, so ultimatley clothing influences your entire personality, shaping who you are.

But also clothing doesn't shape who you are in a sense, because some people at first think they don't like someone's clothes and try not to talk to them, but then they face their fears and walk up to that person and talk to them. This isn't because of your clothing choice or anything, it's because this person wants to talk to you to see if you'd be a good friend.

Clothing isn't always the first thing that people look at aswell maybe they'l look at you hair colour, or your cleanliness, or your skin colour. Maybe that's how they'll judge you, who knows? People really shouldn't though. They should talk to you before they make the decision to like you or dislike you.

Unfortunatley most of the world is shallow so that's how people decide if they like, or dislike you

So, what I'm trying to say is that someone could have their entire personality changed by thier clothes but maybe not.

By Andy Takhar 7B

Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm Just getting started

October ,02, 2009
Hi everyone.
I'm trying to get everything working on my blog page now so I'm pretty excited!
Well bye
ANDY : )