"Wow" I thought to myself as Eva Olsson spoke. Immediatley a thousand questions ran through my mind. "How could they do that?", "What did they do?", "How did this start?". When Eva started to speak I knew that I was going to have a truly remarkable speech told to me today.
I'm sure your probably sitting there pondering what I could be possibly be talking about. Well, I was talking about the holocaust and a lady named Eva Olsson who came to my school and talked about her life in the holocaust and the tragaties she had to go through.
Before this presentation all I knew was that 60 odd years ago a war happened and jewish people were mistreated. But now I know it was so much more. People were sent gas chambers to suffocate, girls saw their parents be killed in the gas chambers, and people starved to death. I don't know what I would have done if I was in those days. I will find it hard to remember that
The most shocking part of the entire presentation was when Eva told us that people were put on trains that went up and down the tracks for a few weeks until the jewish people on the train just wasted away. This was shocking because they didn't just give them a painless death, they tortured them. This almost brought me to tears. I don't know why they wanted to hurt these people so badly.
I will definatley remeber this speech for years to come. What she said was so remarkable that I couldn't stop thinking about it. I really didn't know why they did this in the first place. I didn't know how they brainwashed the soldiers into doing these things. And I didn't know what the jewish people did. I wanted to research but my mom advised me not to, she said I might come across some disturbing things that I would want to wait untill I'm older to see.
I have tryed so hard never to say hate again. I mean if the word hate started the holocaust, I don't want to start another one! Eva Olsson told us that hate is an evil word and now that I think it about it is. At first when Eva Olsson said not to say hate, me and probably a lot of people on the school thought:
"Ya right, I'm not going to start another Holocaust by saying hate".
But after the presentation I definatley changed my train of thought.
So, in overal I think that Eva Olsson changed the way I think about the holcaust.
By Andy Takhar
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