Bullying, the act of intentionally causing harm to others, through verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods such as manipulation.
You hear kids shuffling across the floor to get away, they hide their lunch money in their socks. They run into the washrooms. You don't know what's going on. A big boy looks at you and pushes you to ground, takes your lunch money, and leaves.
Bullying it happens from little kids playing in the sandbox to grown adults getting a job in the company. People think that bullying isn't a very big topic and shouldn't be taken seriously, but it should. People get bullied because of their habits, grades, ethnic backgrounds, weather their rich or poor, and for many other reasons that can make people quite upset.
Everyday millions of kids get hurt inside and out because of bullying. Kids are afraid to go to school all around the world. Imagine if you were one of those kids.
You're inside a stall scared out of your mind. You hear some guys come into the bathroom, and they're looking for you. You hear them kick open the stall beside you and you hear footsteps as they walk to your stall. They know your in the stall, they open the stall door, and find you.
That situation happens to hundreds of thousands of people all across the world. But this isn't the only form of bullying.
One type of bullying is verbal harassment. Verbal Harassment is when someone calls someone rude names. This is one of the most common type of bullying in the world! People don’t think that they are bullying because they aren’t physically hurting someone, and it usually happens behind someone’s back.
Another type of bullying is physical bullying. This is when people hurt other people physically. This is usually the type of bullying people think of whenever they think of the word bully. This bullying is easier to find out about because there usually are bruises that they can show as proof.
Gossip is also a terrible type of bullying. This is when someone talks about another person behind their back. This can be when people talk meanly about someone to their friends, or even writing on a bathroom wall. Gossip can be expressed in many different ways, and this is defiantly one of the worst the worst types of bullying.
“So if I’m bullied. What can I do to stop it?”
The best way to stop being bullied is to tell a teacher. Telling a teacher can be very affective. They can talk to the person bullying you, and even talk to the principal about it.
So if your getting bullied then tell the teacher. It can help you out a lot. And you won’t be considered a tattle tale.
Life Lesson: Don’t bully people. It doesn't make you seem cool, it just makes you seem very mean. Besides that, it can really hurt the person your bullying, and it can lead to very bad things. People who get bullied tend to get very sad when you bully them, so why do it?
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