ANDY! That's what A is for! Well Andy is me, I mean I'm Andy. I was born October 26th 1997. I guess that's all I can say. I guess I can tell you where I was born (Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan) and I can tell you my age (12) but really what else? I guess I don't know much to say.
This should really be easy to write about, I mean who know's more about me than me? Maybe my mom could tell me, or maybe one of my friends, but what makes me different? What makes me be able to write something about my life without people getting bored. Did I telll you that I have a sister named Pree, or that I'm in grade seven....umm......well....maybe...no.. I guess I actually have nothing to say about me!
Maybe I can't explain me because I've never seen me. I guess I've never seen me in person. So could my classmates tell me who I am? That definatley doesn't seem right. So what should I do? I'm trying to write a series of blog post alphabetically and I'm stuck at the first one! And to make it worse the first one is about ME! How can I be stuck on writing something about me, I've been me for almost 13 years, I've been researching for this blog post for almost 13 years without even knowing it, yet I don't know what to write.
I think that I have a very good personality, and that I give off a good vibe when you meet me. I like hanging with friends and just relaxing somewhere. And then I get stuck. What else can I say? ARGH! It's just so frustrating!
So I can't right off the bat tell you who I am, but maybe that will make it more fun! Throughout the next few week I will be writting a series of blog posts, and by the end I'll probably be able to tell you.
Is it weird that I can't explain myself? Is it weird that I can't just simply put that I'm this or I'm that. No. Because that's what makes me different. That's what makes me be able to write something about my self without people getting bored. I'm Unique, and definatley not boring!
Life Lesson:
You don't have to feel bad that if you can't explain yourself right away, because if you can't then your way more unique! :)
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