"RING, RING, RING" "OH MY GOSH THE BELL! I can't be late again! Oh jeez Miss Weldons going to KILL me if I don't have my L/A binder today! But If I get it then I'll be late! Wait was there homework? A SPEECH! For today? WHAT? I promised my best friend I'd meet him on the swings this recess, now I have to go to homework club! Oh well I better get to class". "Sigh"
"Your Late" Miss Weldons tells me as I scurry in from the hall, without my L/A Binder.
"And let me guess, your dog ate your L/A binder and your homework?" I try to just get to my seat before I get really embarrased.
School! what can I say? There's homework! that is hard enough. Why do we need tests, quizzes, assignments, exams, AND homework?!?! People forget their homework all the time, and every time they do they get put behind, causing them to do worse on tests, quizzes, assignments, and exams.
People have extra curricular activities too you know! How can they juggle all of that? Someone could come home at 6:00 from a long practice for soccer, then they try to relax for about half and hour then they study for about an hour and a half. Then they have to be up until 9:00 doing there homework, finaly realising that they have to finsh an entire assignment for tommorrow. So they work untill 11:30 at night getting everything done.
The next day at school they have a hard time trying to concentrate because they are just so tired. And then the teachers wonder why their students aren't doing aswell as they could be.
Don't forget people need to have a social life too! After people's extra curricular activity they have half an hour to learn about the latest gossip, and talk to their friends about how everything is going! Then people have parents who give them chores, and take them out to dinner. How can they do ALL of this in thirty minutes?
The weekend should be a break though, right? Well many teachers think that since the students have two whole days to the work, they pile it up. Then the teachers make it seem like the entire weekend is a long time, but it's only two days. When the teachers do this, they make the students feel really relaxed, causing them to leave everything untill sunday night, and then they have a hectic night. Causing them to have tired morning.
People also have their own personal problems too. Like when students get ill. They could potentialy miss a lot of school. And the teachers just give them all the work they missed, plus the new work, and all future assignments still are expected to be handed in on time!?!? Kids who are in prediciments like these usually just have to quit there after school activity and then they have to be working until nine or ten o'clock finishing everything.
Then when people go on vacation, they have to do all their work when they're supposed to be having a good time on holiday. Students get really excited for their vacation then they get a pile of work to do, causing them not to have at all a good time! Then if they don't do and have a good time instead, the teacher doesn't think that they should give them a break because they were on vacation, they just put them in homework club untill the see the work.
Teachers should give students a break on their tests, quizzes, assignments, exams, and homework. Why assign so much homework? Why have so many tests? Why make pop quizzes? Just make it easy for the students, give them a break! Before the tests give them hand outs they can do so that they can definatley be ready. Don't assign so much homework that the student feel overwhelmed with it all, just give them a page at at time. And please don't make the assignments so hard that it takes the students an hour to read the instructions.
Life Lesson: Teachers, don't school so difficult that I can write this much about how hard it is. Please.
Thatr video is about homework
By the way, I didn't mean to make you look so mean in this Miss Weldon. Your WAAAAYYY nicer than that. :P
Andy Takhar
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